What is Montessori?

The Montessori educational approach aims to foster children’s natural interests and activities rather than using formal teaching techniques.

The unique method of learning system

The Montessori educational approach aims to foster children’s natural interests and activities rather than using formal teaching techniques. The development of practical skills and hands-on learning are prioritised in a Montessori classroom. It discourages the use of several common performance indicators, like grades and assessments. The main components of Montessori method of education include mixed-age classrooms, student freedom (including their choices of activity), long blocks of uninterrupted work time, specially trained teachers and prepared environment.

One of the greatest benefits of the Montessori Method, particularly during the early learning experience, is the focus on hands-on learning. The emphasis is on concrete, rather than abstract learning, as students work on activities that teach language, math, culture and practical life lessons.